shows and events

The Feelgood Show

This weekend we’ll be exhibiting at The Feelgood show in Spalding Lincolnshire, not far from our base in Peterborough, we haven’t exhibited at an event like this for several years so looking forward to it.

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations shows and events

Earthly Gems Ventures to the Munich Show for a 2nd Year!

Currently exhibiting at the Munich Mineral show with our selection of gemstones!
To see a range of custones available you only have to visit the gemstone section of our website!

shows and events

York RocknGem Show

Extra show at the York Racecourse!

shows and events

At the Newark RocknGem show

At the Newark showground, for this weeks RocknGem show have you visited yet?
Next week York!

shows and events

Earthly Gems Heads North

Earthly Gems is heading north to the Newcastle Rock ‘n’ Gem show at the racecourse Gosforth Park.
We’re hoping it’ll be a busy show and look forward to ‘talking stones’ to all the fellow crystal fans!
shows and events


This weekend 30th 31st of October before you celebrate Halloween you might like to visit us either at the Rock n Gem Show at Kempton Park Sunbury on Thames where Hannah and team will be manning the stall or at the Mineralientage Munchen or Munich Mineral Show Hall B5 stand 549.
Where Steve will be representing Earthly Gems with cutstones and the RocknGem Magazine also doing a show report and practising his German!

shows and events

Kempton Park Rock n Gem Show 14th & 15 March

This weekend sees the 1st Rock n Gem show at Kempton Park Racecourse this year and it promises to be a big one with lots of exhibitors and everything crystal, mineral, gemstone, fossil and bead related.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it you can shop online with us and get a 10% discount over the weekend just follow this link or type in ‘KemptonRnG’ in the coupon field(not valid for wholesale customers).

shows and events

York Rock n Gem Show 21st & 22nd February

An annual event so don’t miss out if you live nearby!
We’ll be at the show with a selection of crystal, minerals, carving, gem jewellery and gemstones!
Venue York Racecourse, you can always stay over at the Race Course Centre just minutes away from the racecourse and 20mins walk from the town centre.

If you can’t make the show, you can always buy online from Earthly Gems shop between 10am on Saturday until 4pm Sunday and use the discount coupon ‘rngyork’ and get a 10% discount on all purchases! (not valid for wholesale customers).

shows and events

Rock n Gem Show – The Hop Farm Kent 24th & 25th January

The 1st Rock n Gem show of 2009 see us at ‘The Hop Farm’ Kent
We’ve never been to this show before, for some reason we’re out of winter hibernation early!

The show has at least 27 exhibitors and most things rock, mineral, gemstone and bead will be available.

If you can’t make the show, you can always buy online from Earthly Gems
shop between 10am on Saturday until 4pm Sunday and use the discount coupon ‘rnghopfarm’ and get a 10% discount on all purchases! (not valid for wholesale customers).

shows and events

1st & 2nd November Rock n Gem show at Kempton Park

We’ll be exhibiting at the Kempton Park Rock n Gem show on Saturday & Sunday 1st & 2nd November, one of the largest rock, mineral, fossil, gemstone and bead shows in the country with over 120 exhibitors(we can be found just inside the entrance to the right!).
Lots to see and take home.(update 2019 exhibitor numbers now 50-60)
If you can’t make the show visit the Earthly Gems online shop to see over 4400 products and use ‘rockngem’ in the coupon field to get a 10% discount when spending over £30