A One-Day Workshop with Edwin Courtenay
2008 has been prophesied and promised to be a powerful year! It is the year of the return of the Christ Light, the year of Divine Manifestation where all our dreams are said to come true. This year, overseen by the Ascended Master Jesus and the Maitreya, will usher in the new age at last by returning the Christ energy to man in full and anchoring its powerful presence on the planet. In this one-day workshop we will explore what the exact nature of the Christ Light, inside and outside of ourselves, is as well as learning how to embrace its greater descent to catalyse our ascension and become more at one with our Higher Power, embodying the I Am presence. We will learn how we can help envitalise this power for the world and better become an ambassador for the Christ. We will learn directly from the Master Jesus and the Maitreya of their mysteries and truths and the real teachings they bring back to the world and through Aramaic chanting we will discover the power of these mysteries and realise how they can literally change the world. On a personal note this workshop aims to place people back into their passion and help them realise what their real dreams are as well as provide empowering ways in which they might finally achieve them on Earth. The workshop will be experiential with meditations, exercises and group chanting and an enjoyable, positive experience for all.
Scheduled 10am -5pm