shows and events

August Workshop with Edwin Courtenay

We’ve just heard that Edwin will be with us on Saturday 23rd August to host another of his great workshops…
We’ll post more details regarding the nature of this workshop when we know.
But we’re certain it’ll be a great day!
Members of our mailing list always get the details sent out first.

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations website admin updates

Guaranteed a Change

The only certain thing that we know is that everything changes and it’s best to move with them!

Well we’re always trying to give customers a better experience when shopping online as part of our continued development program we’ve made a few changes, have a look and see if you like the way Earthly Gems online is evolving – let us know!

We have added a postcode lookup so when you checkout you don’t have to type your address in, we’re also sending you parcel tracking numbers when we ship your goods!

Also the equipment we use to take our pictures of the stock is evolving, so we hope you notice that the photos are showing more detail.

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations crystals and minerals

New Stock Available at Earthly Gems 3rd week in July

Well just arrived for this week not only have we restocked the Earthly Gems range of incense we have also added a new Angel Scent incense range with naturally blended fragrances with varieties such as Guardian Angel, Purifying, Angel Luck, Angel Protection and Angel Luck.
There’s also some discounts to be had if you buy a few packs!

Also just in from lovely Brazilian clear quartz crystal balls excellent for scrying and other crystal healing pursuits.

From Peru we have lovely polished freeforms of chrysocolla, ideal shapes for meditation and just to hold.

As always more lovely crystals and goodies are on their way!

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations website admin updates

Make Market Deeping Green

A local campaign which in essence is a great initiative but having attended a meeting currently seems a little preoccupied with the issues of plastic bags!
Our last invite was not by email but by letter containing 2 A4 pages printed only on 1 side, a shame we can all do more!
A local venue posted an invoice to us for a recent workshop we held there, we probably share the same postbox literally seconds from our front doors, we can all do more!
We’ve been using paper bags for a long time, however aware that they take energy to make transport and are heavy have been looking at alternatives, hemp, cotton, potato starch etc. Unfortunately mostly only available from over sea’s and at quantities that would take up too much valuable space!
We had hoped that everyone would club together and not only have a sustainable bag but one which would promote local business as well!
Anyway for now what we have is a sustainable cotton bag(with no advertising!) available for purchase at £2.50 or free if you buy something big and heavy from the shop and a plastic bag but 100% degradable!
crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations website admin updates


Not really the colour but the environmental thoughts feelings and considerations, we like to think we’re always trying to do our little bit, this blog is actually hosted on servers from a company that uses solely wind, water and solar energy for creating it’s power. So it’s definately worth mentioning and hopefully adds to our efforts!
shows and events

Stamford Craft Fair 27th July

On the 27th July we’ll be braving the summer weather at the Stamford Outdoor Craft Fair Market right in the middle of the town – High Street, always a variety of stalls and folk.

shows and events

Rock n Gem Show in August

We’ll have a selection of crystals, minerals and jewellery at the Kempton Park Rock n Gem show Saturday 2nd August and Sunday 3rd August. The event is held at the Kempton Park Race Course TW16 5AQ
If there’s anything specific you’d like to see just let us know!

website admin updates

Welcome to our Blog!

We’ve decided to setup this blog to compliment our irregular newsletters providing further insight into the world of Earthly Gems! We’ll have observations on everything we do from shop news, crystal healing, minerals, crystals, creating gemstone jewellery, shows and events we attend from Health fairs to Rock n Gem shows. We hope you stop by and find something useful, interesting or worthy of a comment or two! Enjoy!
shows and events

Celestial Light Healers Event – Manchester

On Sunday 11th May we’ll be at Gorton monastery Manchester for another of the very exciting and informative Celestial Light Healers events with James Twyman, Rosemary Stephenson, Edwin Courtenay, Trudy Ashplant, Declan Kerr.

shows and events

Kundalini Yoga Classes

Next series of classes on Thursdays will start from 16th October for another 10 weeks, 6.45pm – 8pm Oddfellows Hall Market Deeping Peterborough, 0844 415 5512
Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter his or her age or physical ability. It is a complete science that includes breath (pranayam), yoga postures (asanas), sound, chanting (mantra) and meditation. It is designed to provide you with the experience of your highest consciousness through the raising of your Kundalini.