October has been such a busy month no only with shows in the UK, Germany but also meeting up with our friends from Brazil and relocating, now how do you suppose we moved the 120Kg quartz crystal ball?
Category: website admin updates
earthly gems website admin updates
This blog has moved
updated 7/9/19
This blog is now located at http://earthly-gems.co.uk/.
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Seasonal Greetings 2008!
We’d like to say a BIG THANK_YOU to you our valued customers over the internet, on the high street and at various shows and events we attend throughout the year.
We hope you have a lovely, relaxing and jolly Christmas and a rewarding New Year!
Now’s good to take time to review the year about to pass and plan for the year in front, not all dreams manifest in ways we expect but there’s rewarding challenges out there for us all! Don’t forget we offer free postage for orders over £18 and we ship every working day and Saturdays, orders arriving before 3pm normally ship the same day. We also hold all the stock shown in our shops and storage facilities, no drop shipping or last minute ordering systems are used.We also show images of the exact item, with the exception of tumblestones, books, magazines etc. and where stated.
2009 as always we shall be expanding the ranges of crystal and minerals, we’ll also have more gemstones for jewellery makers so whether you are a budding silversmith or goldsmith or have found a new pastime have a look find a unique gem and create your own masterpiece!
The only certain thing that we know is that everything changes and it’s best to move with them!
Well we’re always trying to give customers a better experience when shopping online as part of our continued development program we’ve made a few changes, have a look and see if you like the way Earthly Gems online is evolving – let us know!
We have added a postcode lookup so when you checkout you don’t have to type your address in, we’re also sending you parcel tracking numbers when we ship your goods!
Also the equipment we use to take our pictures of the stock is evolving, so we hope you notice that the photos are showing more detail.