shows and events


This weekend 30th 31st of October before you celebrate Halloween you might like to visit us either at the Rock n Gem Show at Kempton Park Sunbury on Thames where Hannah and team will be manning the stall or at the Mineralientage Munchen or Munich Mineral Show Hall B5 stand 549.
Where Steve will be representing Earthly Gems with cutstones and the RocknGem Magazine also doing a show report and practising his German!

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations crystals and minerals

Sorting Stones – No unfortunately!

an aisle – not our notmal bright and shiny mineral pics!

Having to overseer the racking within our new Earthly Gems HQ unit not particularly exciting however it does mean that we should be able to process and dispatch all your orders even more efficiently. We even have a post room!

Oh dear someones filled this aisle before we’ve moved anything !

Lets hope the new labelling system works!

Phew! back to what we like best – stones!

We’ve managed to stock some large pieces of natural kunzite, some with varying colours and shades, normally very difficult to acquire such large crystal pieces.

crystal mineral gemstone jewellery

Jewellery Designing!

Might have been a little quiet of late, but there’s always something going on, after being hidden in the workshop for a while, I have produced a few organic style silver settings for some gemstones lying around.

Here’s a favourite, gorgeous ammolite from Canada,  now in a chunky organic style silver pendant.

Another one on my current popular list of crystals is velvert sheen obsidian, you have to catch it in the light for the ‘stone’ to reveal it’s true beauty, different colours and swirls. Notice the setting less random with a satin finish. This is a natural volcanic glass, each one unique.

Another obsidian here with more subtle setting, well sort of!

So do you like them, or should I retreat to the workshop and meditate for more inspiration?

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations crystals and minerals

What Do Yo Do With A Sack Full Of Boulder Opal

Well apart from working on your ‘beach art’ skills you might think that you’ve lost quite a bit of money and gain a pile of iron stone. That’s probably what passed through my mind years ago when I acquired my first shipment of boulder opal.

However perhaps being a little wiser I know that unless we’re really unlucky there will be some hidden gems. I do mean hidden and they won’t show themselves without a bit of hard work.

As you can see there’s some mineral wonders hidden below the surface of dust, mud and grim!
Some of these amazing pieces will lend themselve to being carved for unique pendants but that’s another story and a few more hours of hard work with some gem carving tools, however I’d say have a go because the results are amazing and the satisfaction of producing your own unique pendant is well worthwhile!

crystals and minerals

Chrysocolla Art

This is what happens when you really want to go to the beach but you’ve been stuck stock taking for far too long, being a fan of the pebble and rock ‘statues’ on the beach that someone else is always better at balancing than you are!

This is some lovely natural Peruvian chrysocolla before it’s been carved and polished. You can already see the rich deep colours.

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations

The Workshop

Ever wondered how a chunk of rock ends up as a polished stone or cabochon perhaps set into a sparkling piece of jewellery?
Well there’s an awful lot of equipment and work involved. We’re going to give you a regular insight into what happens in the workshop!
Recently we managed to purchase a saw, not just any old saw but one used for cutting small slabs of stone. These things are fairly rare in the UK, sometimes difficult to find and can be an investment. Ours is a preloved model and we’re still waiting for this one to arrive.
We have other saws but they’re just not up to the job, perhaps that’s a little unfair, sometimes you have to have the exact tool for the job.
But waking up the ‘inner craftsman’ what if you could find the stone, cut it and create that jewellery masterpiece you’ve always wanted!
The Rock n Gem Magazine always has an article or two on the art of Lapidary, reading up, watching, joining a local club are highly recommended for any budding stone cutter.

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations crystals and minerals

Quartz Chandelier

Thought you might like to see this, rummaging through the shelves in order to satisfy the ‘authorities’ with the current stock figures and keep the accountants happy, I re-discovered this lovely piece of quartz which had been faceted for a demonstration chandelier. I though it would make an excellent hanging quartz because of it’s clarity and quality!
Or if you fancy a heavy centrepiece for a jewellery design, only found 1 of these unique quartz designs so far!

crystal mineral crystal mineral seller observations

Incense Delivery

For all those incense fan we’ve just replenished our stocks!
You might know that we take great care in sourcing our goods, the incense we stock are traditionally made with herbs, spices, plant extracts, natural resins and gums. All are vegetable based and have a long burning time. There’s NO animal fats here!
View our hande made massala incense ranges

Buying Tips:
Check it’s lumpy then you’ll know it’s probably hand blended with quality ingredients.
Quality incense is always wrapped to prevent drying out.
You can’t smell the wonderful fragrance until it’s alight!
Watch out for scented packaging…

crystals and minerals

Check Out our new Delivery of Minerals and Carving from Peru

We’ve had a delivery from Peru, including a host of angels, wands, crystal balls, palmstones and natural formations including chrysocolla, andean opal, pink rose opal, aragonite and pyrite to name a few!

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